Introduction to Malaysia

Malaysia, abbreviated as Malaysia, is a country located in Southeast Asia, geographically close to the equator, and the climate belongs to the Asian tropical rainforest climate. Its land is divided into two parts, east and west, by the South China Sea.

The Malay Peninsula in the western half is divided into eleven states and two federal territories (Kuala Lumpur and Penang), often known as “West Malaysia”; the north is connected to Thailand; the south is connected to the Strait of Johor, which is connected to Singapore by the New Embankment and the Second Passage; and the eastern half is located in the northern part of Borneo, which is divided into the two states of Sabah and Sarau and the Federal Republic of Labuan. The jurisdiction is often called “Dongma”. Malaysia borders Indonesia to the south, while Brunei borders East Malaysia on three sides.

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